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Friday, October 1, 2010

1/3 Less Sad

Amazingly I did not cry at work today. (About chickens or a particular work situation.)
On the drive  home my thoughts surrounded the idea of finding one chicken with a lot of attitude, or no chicken at all. To my surprise, relief, bewilderment, etc... I came home to find two chickens. One in the flower (weed) bed at the top of the driveway and one patrolling the interior of the fence - where she is supposed to be.

Right now I am really confused. I don't know if it is one hen getting out or if they are taking turns. I am still sad about losing the youngster. It seems doubtful that she will reappear.

After about 30 minutes of unsuccessful chicken wrangling, whichever bird it is, is still "free ranging" it tonight. I chased her last night too. At least I think it was her.


Ok. Well. That question just got answered.

My brother-in-law, Eric, came over to drop off my dog. I was telling him how I had a chicken on the loose right then and asked if he wanted to meet the other one. We headed outside and immediately saw 2 chickens walking down the steps from the garden.

We chased them around for 10 minutes or so without luck. Eric said he had a fishing net and did I think it would help. Yes I did. The chickens were following us down to the driveway by the time we got into the truck. Another 10 minutes or so to drive over, get the net, say hi to Olivia and explain, and drive back and the hens are... not in the coop, not near the coop, not near the driveway.

Even with my short time with the stress makers I have picked up on their preference to be in the woods or underbrush. I checked the azaleas in the front of the house. At this point I am really hoping they didn't travel back into the woods. I look over to the neighbor's house wondering if they have seen them. "Found 'em!"
There they were, roosting in a dogwood on the property line. I swear I heard them let out a sigh of exasperation saying "Why won't she just leave us alone?".

Eric held the net in front of the birds while I grabbed one from the back using the hand hug method. Then, Eric set the net down and got the other one. We carried them to the coop and I leaned some more stuff against openings and doorways. Tomorrow that joint is going to look like Fort Knox.

Sleep well ladies. And don't forget to say your prayers.

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