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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

The Economics of Eggs

I just returned from Tractor Supply, where I bought my 3rd bag of layer pellet.

1 - 50 lb bag costs $16.45 after tax, tag and title. (Ok, just tax)
2 - 50 lb bags cost $32.90.

Guess how many eggs were laid with just 100 lbs of feed?
About 330 since the first egg in November.
That is a little over 10¢ an egg.
So for a dozen, $1.20.

For a dozen "cage-free" eggs the price is around $3.00.
And just to let you know, I am never so cruel as to cage my eggs. What?! I suppose you are expected to infer the hens are not kept in cages, but that is not what the name suggests.

Dwight charges $1.50 for a dozen of eggs from his flock.  (He used to charge $2.00.)

I don't charge anything, but I don't turn down baked good barters either.

I have no idea what a dozen large, white, grocery store, house name, eggs cost anymore. They never make it on the grocery list anymore.

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